An Endangered Cheetah
Are Cheetahs endangered animals? “Yes” . Because Cheetahs are very fast runners. They are the fastest animal or mammal runners . With long and strong legs, and strong arteries they would run for 96 kilometers an hour in three seconds. When you combined or connect the cheetah with its large lungs and wide nostrils, it makes them have a strong and powerful heart. They also get oxygen in their strong muscles. Cheetahs mostly live in eastern, central or southwestern of Africa more than living in Iran. They are endangered because there are female cheetahs and they had to move their baby cubs from den to den, so they can hide them while going out hunting. The male cheetahs do the same. So they can feed their family. The cheetahs mostly hunt antelopes,wildebeest calves and hares. They jump when getting their prey. They are known for the black dark spots and running and big jumps when getting their prey. Today there are 7,800 cheetahs living in the Wilde. Cheetahs are having trouble by losing their habitat where they’re living because of the farmers. 

At school I have been learning about endangered animals. I had to choose one and I chose a cheetah. I think I did well and I enjoyed learning facts about them. I hope you will comment on my work by commenting on something positive, thoughtful and giving me some helpful feedback.
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