Wednesday, 31 May 2017
The Easter Triddum
At school my class and I had to learn about the Easter Triddum. How Jesus died and how He went up to Heaven to see His Father. I thought I did well in this activity and enjoyed creating this for my work so that everyone can see. Please comment by writing something positive, thoughtful and giving me some helpful feedback on my work so I know what to work on.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Seeds the Holy Spirit Planted
We are learning to explain the definition of seeds of the Word. So when the Holy Spirit planted seeds so that everyone has a different culture. I think I did well in my work and tried to explain what the definition of the seeds of the word meant. It basically means that the Holy Spirit planted the seed for our culture.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
An Endangered Cheetah
An Endangered Cheetah
Are Cheetahs endangered animals? “Yes” . Because Cheetahs are very fast runners. They are the fastest animal or mammal runners . With long and strong legs, and strong arteries they would run for 96 kilometers an hour in three seconds. When you combined or connect the cheetah with its large lungs and wide nostrils, it makes them have a strong and powerful heart. They also get oxygen in their strong muscles. Cheetahs mostly live in eastern, central or southwestern of Africa more than living in Iran. They are endangered because there are female cheetahs and they had to move their baby cubs from den to den, so they can hide them while going out hunting. The male cheetahs do the same. So they can feed their family. The cheetahs mostly hunt antelopes,wildebeest calves and hares. They jump when getting their prey. They are known for the black dark spots and running and big jumps when getting their prey. Today there are 7,800 cheetahs living in the Wilde. Cheetahs are having trouble by losing their habitat where they’re living because of the farmers. 

At school I have been learning about endangered animals. I had to choose one and I chose a cheetah. I think I did well and I enjoyed learning facts about them. I hope you will comment on my work by commenting on something positive, thoughtful and giving me some helpful feedback.
How does Mold Grow?
Planning How Does Mold Develop?
Do you know that mold or fungus grows and can spread in hot, dirty and drenched places? Even dark places like your school bag. Do you know it can go through your nasty sandwich in your school bag? Do you ever wonder it’s a plant or an animal? Well for me it’s NOT a plant OR an animal. Well they do have similar things that needs it to grow like hot thermal sun and wet drenching rain. Well if you don’t know, I will tell you how it grows or how it forms.
Firstly, the first stage to a mold is tiny little spores. You can't see them but they float around and they land on something like a half-eaten fruit or a vegetable that has been sitting on a table or anything for a long time. This is the first stage where a fruit starts to rot and slowly changes colour.
Next, there is another stage to mold called Hypha (or hyphea). You might wonder what is hypha? Well, hypha is like a white leathery sort of web, that starts to grow round the outside of the mold and a little of the inside of the fruit. It makes a crisscross sort of mat or web. This means that the crisscross mat is now revealed as mycelium.
Furthermore, mycelium grows. It grows and it grows and it can be sucked or absorbed by the mold or fungus (or fungi). Also, as the mycelium slowly grows, it starts to release carbon dioxide around the atmosphere or in the air. Then the apple changes into a dark ghastly colour. A colour of black or brown.
In conclusion you now have a mold that’s revealed as a disgusting or hideous rotting thing. When it has the start of the tiny spores, a white leathery hypha, and web of mycelium. You now have a moldy apple or a moldy log. There are different types of mold is well. Like black mold that’s in your bathroom. Fungus or fungi n a mushroom.
At school we were learning to write an explanation about mold.To explain how it starts or forms. First I had to make a planning about it. It was ok for me to do this activity. I think I did well. I hope you think the same thing. But I did my best and I persevered. Give me some positive, thoughtful and helpful feedback. I will really appreciate if you did so I know what I should work on.
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Life, Death and Resurrection
W.A.L.T know about the Holy Spirit- te Wairua Tapu. About how people prepares for the Holy Spirit's mission
At School I had to make a google drawing of Jesus' life and His Death . To me it's like a life cycle of Him. His life, his death and when He got up to Heaven to see His Father. I enjoyed learning about this because I feel like I can work well in RE and that I like learning about Jesus' life and through His death. Please comment on my work and give some positive, thoughtful and helpful feedback.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Decaying Mold and Fungus
At school I have been learning about Fungus and Mold. We have to create a DLO for the life cycle of mold. My name is on it but I have a buddy who worked with me as well. She might be in the slide even though it says The Life Cycle of Fungus by EDEN. But still my buddy was with me. So bare with me.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
The Extraordinary Life Of Suzanne Aubert
At school I have been learning about Suzanne Aubert. I had to make a DLO (digital learning object) about her. I thought it was great to do this activity because it's like history, but learning about her. She was an amazing woman and helped so many people and children in most of her life. Look into my slideshow and learn more about her. I loved doing this because I get to know more history about this amazing woman Suzanne Aubert who lived her life of Compassion and she is going to be a Saint.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Plant-like and Animal-like
My class and I were learning to differentiate between plant-like and animal-like characteristics of mould. Mould is NOT a plant OR an animal.
Under the Thick Rug
What Was Hidden Under the Rug
2 weeks past and it happened again. The noise of bumps and thumps made me very curious. I looked with my black eyes that were like darkness and my own glasses. My glasses never fail me. I can see clearly what was happening. My glasses are clean like crystal and shines in the light of my lamp. But something I can feel was hidden under my apartment. Moreover, I saw it zoom. Zooming under my wool made rug. Since it has been two long miserable weeks that I have to be put up with this curious and suspicious noise. So,with stupidity, I grab an old chair that was at my table and try to hit it but it was to rapidly fast and speedy that I missed. I am so vexed with myself. That I thumped into my apartment with a hot tempered face and a little of anxiety. I can’t take it no more. The noise the bumps the thumps. But with no hesitation, it stopped. I came towards it with a very exhausted expression. I lift up the rug and found myself staring at a little white mouse! Ha ha ha! I laughed. For 2 weeks I was trying to catch a white mouse! The mouse was white like snow and it’s eyes were blue like crystal. It wasn’t a dirty mouse. So I decided to keep it as a pet. So. With bangs and clangs and blaring sounds that were falling down. I realized it was a mouse and a mouse it shall be for a pet!
At school my class and I had to write a story that was from the picture. It was called Under the Rug and we had to finish the story because it started Two weeks past and it happened again. So basically it is a story starter. I enjoyed it because I had to picture it in my head and write down the story so it makes sense.
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Fungus or Fungi
At school I have been learning about Fungus or fungi . I've learnt how they grow and what they do. It's interesting because I get to learn how they start off and that is spores. I've learnt new words like Spores Fungus or fungi (which I have heard off before) bacteria and all those words about fungus. It was challenging because I have use my knowledge about fungus.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
At school me and the children in my class have been learning about BEDMAS. What it stands for and how to explain why. I had to learn about BEDMAS because BEDMAS is very important in algebra. I thought it was intriguing, until my teacher gave a sheet to fill but I did my best and thought learning about BEDMAS or algebra was kinda fun.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
My Musical Holiday of Joy and Peace
My Musical Holiday
I don’t know where to start. There was my Dad’s birthday and my Granddad's birthday. I watched movies and played my guitar. Walked to Wycola Park with my sister. Ate. Slept. The usual's. Let's start with my musical days in the holidays.It all started on Saturday when it was a thermal day and the sun was golden and shining.
I was at home in the living room (or what you could also call the ‘lounge’) playing my guitar. I played different songs on the guitar, e.g Walk the line by Johnny Cash, Tequila Sunrise by the Eagles, Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash, Down in the Meadow by Marilyn Monroe, All Things Must Pass by George Harrison, Maggie Mae by The Quarry-men or a folk song and I saw her Standing There by the Beatles.
I was at home in the living room (or what you could also call the ‘lounge’) playing my guitar. I played different songs on the guitar, e.g Walk the line by Johnny Cash, Tequila Sunrise by the Eagles, Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash, Down in the Meadow by Marilyn Monroe, All Things Must Pass by George Harrison, Maggie Mae by The Quarry-men or a folk song and I saw her Standing There by the Beatles.
My Dad was there sitting on the red lazy boy couch which was red like scarlet watching TV. He was watching Coronation Street with his dark turquoise or ivy eyes glued to the screen like he wasn’t paying any intention to me. Like I was invisible or not even there. Moreover, I sat on the couch and played gently with my sore fingers even though they were aching while I was changing chords. I sang as well and finally my Dad caught my attention. He gave me a warm and comfortable smile. My Dad stood up to get something out of the cold fridge. My Dad’s tall. He’s 1.86 meters tall. He can reach things with his long massive arms. My Dad wears glasses now. They are black like sly cats that scurry in the night.
He came back to sit on the lazy boy couch which was red like sunset with a spoon in one hand and yogurt in the other. I played again and again not to mention my fingers were numb and feeling hard. So I stopped. My sister Sara was playing badminton. My Mum was out in the scorching sun gardening and talking to her friend on her phone. That’s what my mother loves doing. Going out with a soft mask on, digging out old forlorn flowers that were from last year or months before. I decided to listen to music next with my sky blue headphones on.
Music has been part of my life. I love music very much and want it in my future. Music makes me smile. It makes me feel satisfied. I love music because it calms my stress and it makes me relax. I also enjoy listening to Little Richard. His songs makes me want to dance like ‘Good Golly Miss Molly’ or ‘Rip it up’ or ‘Long Tall Sally’. Even songs by Duane Eddy e.g moovin' and groovin' and Raunchy. I love music because it tells you a story but put into a song. Like ‘Sidewalks Of New York’ even though the song is an old classic, I still enjoy it and it makes me feel comfortable like I’m in my comfortable Zone.
At school my class and I had to write about our holiday. We had to use the correct structure for our recount. I wrote about my musical days in the holidays. I love doing this because my strength is writing and I would love to share it to all of you.
Tongan Languages
At school my class and I have been learning how to pronounce and say the Tongan Languages. It was challenging because I was learning a different language. It was a good experience for me to learn a different language because I can learn about different cultures and how they say their language. I would like to do this again someday because it was a new experience for me to learn a different language and someday I could learn other languages like Italian or German.
Monday, 1 May 2017
In Order
At school my class and I had to do this activity about how we do things in order in life. I find it challenging because I had to remember some things that I did in life. I learnt that everything I do in life had to be in order. Like for an example wake up, get changed, get a cereal, put it in the bowl and so on. I know the words are blurry and you can't quite see, but that's all I could do.
The People who had risked their lives for us.
At school I had to do a thinglink about the people who risked their own lives for us. It was challenging because I had to come up with descriptive words for the thinglink. It was interesting and I enjoyed learning about what had happened in those ghastly times.
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