These are my other reading activities about Egypt. One of them I had to be a boy called PETER. Please click to look closer. I think I enjoyed doing this. Maybe next time I could add more images.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
At School I had to do a reading activity from a book I read like in a journal. I had to come up an idea of creating a device for an Egyptian Mummy to move around. Please comment on what you thought it was like.Please click to see it bigger (I hope you know that).
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Decimals decimals decimals...
At school everyone in my class have been learning about decimals. We were all learning how to add them and how to subtract them. It was hard for me because I had to think and think. I worked with my friends Naiema and Niel. The easiest part in this activity was finishing it but we all tried. See Naiema's blog and Niel's blog!
Thursday, 16 November 2017
At school my class and I have been learning about maps and scales. I did the names of the scales and what they are. I found out that they are helpful for people when they build things like an architectural models...
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
At school my class and I have been learning about the last Judgement in Religious Education. What I find hard was answering the questions but I did my best. What I find easy was finishing it and doing the slide. Did you enjoy this activity? Yes I did. Are you proud? I am proud and am happy for accomplishing it. PLEASE enjoy it....
At school we have to write a story based on a book our teacher read to us. We had to use ellipsis and speech marks and rhyme.
I was all alone... Standing still like a plain old stone. My heart steadily beating like a drum as if my expression on my face was glum. My lips were dry like blowing sands and the feeling of sharp cold in my hands... My face was a whitey-pale… White as hard rocky hail. My veins were like a dark green vine. My blood that’s like red pure wine. Here I stand which is right in front of me…
My own big high school that I can see. Someone is coming should I walk… no I should pluck up the courage and… TALK! TALK! TALK! Don’t be nervous... Always think and always stay focus… It is your school... and talking to someone new is a rule! “Hello my name is Anna” as she gave me a wave. “Hello my name is Eden” I said trying to be brave…
My own big high school that I can see. Someone is coming should I walk… no I should pluck up the courage and… TALK! TALK! TALK! Don’t be nervous... Always think and always stay focus… It is your school... and talking to someone new is a rule! “Hello my name is Anna” as she gave me a wave. “Hello my name is Eden” I said trying to be brave…
Suddenly I heard SHOUTING! SHOUTING! SHOUTING! Shouts that echoed in my ears… There were even rainy tears...
The girl looked high-tempered vexed and sorrowful... For I know that her expression was extremely awful. “IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU IDIOT!” she blared in frustration. Here comes a pretty woman shouting “You’re having DETENTION…!”. DETENTION DETENTION… The word detention steadily echoed in my ears. The girl gaped with her mouth as the size of bulkiness.
I thought this day is going to be useless… Anna looked at me very sullen and a look of depression. “That girl is a bully and always makes me choleric I’m glad she’s getting detention”. Anna looked at me again “say we are getting along very well do you want to be my friend?”. I already have a friend. I hope our friendship won’t end. “ Yes alright”. “Great! You are kind and bright!”.
We laughed not feeling heavy-hearted or miserable. “I think today isn't as terrible”. Anna smiled like sunshine “ Anna what’s the time?” I asked. She replied “It’s half-past”. “What’s your favourite subject she asked me I said “Music it makes me happy”. Maybe you’ll be famous and they will call your name!”. Maybe there too will be FAME FAME FAME!!
The girl looked high-tempered vexed and sorrowful... For I know that her expression was extremely awful. “IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU IDIOT!” she blared in frustration. Here comes a pretty woman shouting “You’re having DETENTION…!”. DETENTION DETENTION… The word detention steadily echoed in my ears. The girl gaped with her mouth as the size of bulkiness.
I thought this day is going to be useless… Anna looked at me very sullen and a look of depression. “That girl is a bully and always makes me choleric I’m glad she’s getting detention”. Anna looked at me again “say we are getting along very well do you want to be my friend?”. I already have a friend. I hope our friendship won’t end. “ Yes alright”. “Great! You are kind and bright!”.
We laughed not feeling heavy-hearted or miserable. “I think today isn't as terrible”. Anna smiled like sunshine “ Anna what’s the time?” I asked. She replied “It’s half-past”. “What’s your favourite subject she asked me I said “Music it makes me happy”. Maybe you’ll be famous and they will call your name!”. Maybe there too will be FAME FAME FAME!!
I learnt my lesson in my own concentration is to always have the courage to talk to new people with focus and try not to be nervous...
Monday, 13 November 2017
A Cat Fibbing?!?!?
At school I and my classmates have been writing in the past week about fibbing. We had to write a story based on fibbing our teacher had read to us and we had to use speech marks and ellipsis.
Greetings. My name is Sheldon and I’m a walnut brown german shepherd with chestnut brown eyes and the most friendliest and kind-hearted in my neighborhood. If you touch me I’m gentle like the wind but I am here to tell you a true story about my life with someone. Someone I’m not use to. It all started one dismal Saturday as I was looking through the glassy window while lying down on the ground with a bland expression on my face. I heard a car rumbling down the narrow driveway. It was as narrow as a broken bridge that you can get your wheels in the garden but my owners were very careful. I knew it was them because they told me they were going shopping. Suddenly I heard a meow…
It can’t be. No it still can’t be a-a CAT! It walked through the door with Eddie his Mum and Dad. “Hello Sheldon. You have a friend who is going to stay with us. Her name is Miss Bubble. Say hello”. Our eyes narrowed. I knew we were going to be enemies. She doesn’t look like Miss Bubble she looks more like miss Trouble to me. Her eyes darkened like wickedness and her grey fur was boring and plain like stone. Her claws were as sharp as the blade which made me startle but not really that much. “Nice meeting you” I barked. My owners don’t understand me (obviously) but animals like this disgraceful cat can understand me. “I knew you two would be friends” interrupted Eddie but I doubt that. Miss Bubble or Miss Trouble replied “ This is going to be very interesting”. I looked at her mysteriously “I know. Very interesting…” The next day when I woke up that morning I felt miserable. Having a cat in your life to me was going to be tiring.
As I walked into the kitchen I realized I saw doggie treats scattered EVERYWHERE! I knew who did this I knew! Miss Trouble woke up in a very content and delighted way. She looked at her sharp coal-black nails as if she was proud because I saw the bag was ripped apart. My heart sank into my legs. Eddie woke up with his parents behind him. They saw the mess and quickly as if you could say Jack Robinson Miss Trouble pointed at ME!! I barked at her “NO. This is NOT TRUE!! It’s all false! Please BELIEVE ME!!! IT was Miss Bubble. IT WAS MISS BUBBLES!!!” “QUIET SHELDON!! Blared Eddie’s Mum. “Go into your kennel outside! I have had enough of your disgraceful barking!”. With a dejected heart and a loud moan I steadily walked outside in the bitter air while Miss Troubles smiles with happiness. I wanted to go into my kennel but it was to cold for me since my door was shattered from the wind three days ago…
My life was going to be tough and tiring. So I slumped under a big ginormous tree and closed my eyes until there was blackness. Blackness everywhere... For about an hour later I slowly opened my dreary eyes. They were as tired as a long walk down to nowhere. I saw Eddie running to me expressionless. So I stood up rapidly wagging my tail. “Hey Sheldon. You can go inside now. I know you didn’t do this because you are always are good dog…” Something sounds wrong. I knew because the tone of Eddie’s voice. He took me up to his bedroom but as we got there, there was a big mess in Eddie’s room. It was like a bomb site! Eddie’s eyes were big like tennis balls. I wonder who did this… “Eddie!”. We turned around it was Eddie’s Mum again… “ Oh my giddy aunt Eddie did you do this…” “No mum- I swear- it wasn’t me!” he said in a high-pitch tone. “Well who did it then. Also to make your life a misery there is milk spilled everywhere in the kitchen and mud on our clean couch!”. “Well that explains it!” replied Eddie. He pointed to Miss Bubbles who was ABOUT to point at me… “It was Miss Bubbles. She did everything just to frame Sheldon! Plus dogs don’t like milk and you know Sheldon would NOT do this”. Oh thank Goodness for Eddie. “What about the couch” said Eddie’s Mum. We all ran down stairs to see the couch and what a mess it was.. “There are footprints on the couch”. “So?” asked Eddie’s Mum. “So… Sheldon show me your paw”. I lifted my paw to him. “His paw is big and those are small. Miss Troubles lift up your paw NOW! She did as she was told… Her paw had a little bit of mud and it matched the paws on the couch. “MISS BUBBLES! How DARE YOU FRAME OUR DOG!”. From now on Miss Troubles learnt not to lie and now we are getting along aren’t we Miss Troubles?!? “Barely but great... Anyway Eddie want’s to see you”. “Oh alright. I hope you enjoyed my story guys”. “SHELDON!!!”. “Coming Eddie! Wooof wooof!!”.
Friday, 3 November 2017
We are learning to use different languages in our writing like example metaphor, simile and idiom. We have to write a descriptive story from a picture we have picked Did you think you have done well? Yes I think I did and I have done my very best. Did you enjoy it? Yes I did and I love writing and I have been thinking a lot for what my story would be like.
Life or Death
The white fog drifted slowly yet steadily across the dismal air as it traveled around us. It surrounded the gloomy sea that it looked as if it was misty and mysterious . The mysterious sea was salty and was a dark navy blue. It was as blue as the universe which lightly swished in the blowing of the moaning wind. The wind was gentle like a flower and quiet like the dead of silence but not for very long…
Suddenly, somewhere in the dark sunless distance of the dangerous sea, lights were flickering like big glowing eyes as if they were watching you. They weren’t torches or any other but lanterns that hung swiftly and solidly on the handles of the vessel that looked like long branches. The vessel itself was a centuries old. It was as old as a dead fossil that lies under the earth and as dark as fear and trouble. The creaking of the vessel echoed around the strangers but the vessel was steadily sailing, floating on the waters of mystery and danger for it was danger the people of the vessel were frightened of. They were all dressed in inky black that made them look like goths and witches the looks of their faces were anxiety and concern for they know that sailing on the vessel felt like they were sailing for a thousand years not knowing what is surrounding them and what’s after them.
Promptly the weather began to be different. The cold bitter and sharp breeze came to the vessels distance as it slapped ones face. Waves began to turn towards them and the roar of the blaring thunder was presented to them. Rapidly all the strange members got out their boring umbrellas. They were as boring as plain rock and as black as wickedness for they know trouble was coming after them. However, the umbrellas were no help for they have been blowing in all directions of nowhere into the deep blue ocean. They were all panicked-stricken for terror was coming over them. They all looked and gasped. The deep blue ocean was hungry, slowly yet steadily trying to swallow the old wooden vessel that was gruffy and had swamp-green mould across the vessels handrail. The people of the vessel watched with terror and dread as they were dreading about the monster off the wave. “It’s life or death” one said “It’s life or DEATH”. Somehow a miracle has prospered for the monster had settled down.
The sea swished the vessel again and the strangers of the vessel sailed along the dangerous sea that felt like a thousand years and the fresh ocean air came back to them. Again the vessel or ship sailed swiftly on the salty sea and was drifting, drifting that again, which felt like a thousand years of travelling...
Friday, 27 October 2017
The Pouwhenua
At school my class and I have been learning about the Pouwhenua. I have learnt that they are Maori carvings. Carvings that tell about Maori ancestors from the 19th and 18th centenary and that have stories behind them. Myths and legends. I know I didn't do many slides in this activity maybe next time I should add more information about why it is Spiritual. But overall I think I did a wonderful job and I have been busy with the drawings.
A picture Story
We are learning to use sequence to make a story by using images in our writing. I thought I did good working with my buddy Rheanna. PLEASE look at Rheanna's blog! I hope everyone will enjoy the pictures we have been creating.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
At school me and the class have been learning the Maori word 'Taonga'. It is a Maori word for 'Treasure'. I picked the water, sea and ocean as the treasures because the Maori had a powerful connection a bond with the water sea and ocean and Papatūānuku (the Earth Mother) and had spiritual bonds. We have to protect the water, ocean and the sea so that we have clean fresh water to drink and sea animals can swim. That is why I picked water,sea and ocean as TAOGNA.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
At school the children in my class and I have been doing writing in past tense. We had to be a thing example a bottle or a book. This is my story about a bottle. We had to be that thing like I had to be the bottle in the story. Please comment on how you thought my story was. Was it good, great? Oh and please give me some helpful feedback on what I should work on in my writing.
Out to Nowhere
A story about a bottle that was drifted into the sea
It was the year 1812 a ship called the Lucky Dodger sailed onto the heavenly sea. It was a colour of rich brown that shone in the golden rays of sunlight. Its sail was the colour of pearl white, which the wind blew gently. Blue sky that was the colour of rich ocean blue but lighter because of the sun that had brightened the atmosphere. I was on the counter at that time with my bottle brothers and sisters. We saw with great pleasure the Hairy Pirates. They were all very different but the one thing that was the same about them was… they were all very HAIRY. Long beards that were shaded in four colours; raven black mud brown platinum grey and milky white. They were just enjoying their time drinking until...
Suddenly, when I was on the counter enjoying the golden sun with my bottle brothers and sisters a drunkard Pirate held on to me like he wanted some more. He looked at me with his dark gloomy narrow eyes as if he thought I wasn’t enough to drink. So, promptly he threw me in the air and I plunged into the ocean. As the ship sailed away into the distance I realized I was nowhere. I was just by myself as a bottle that had floated away. For days and days I was floating and for days and days I was drifting in the blue ocean. I was like this until I finally reached an island.
An island of Paradise. I looked up and it was the most extraordinary island I had ever seen in my bottle life! The golden sand I had landed in was dry and warm from the sun it shone on me as if I had sparkled. I saw random people that were enjoying their happiness with their hearts content. I adored the island. There were green trees that were blowing in with the cooler wind. The trees were obviously taller than me. Some were tall like giraffes. I was very happy to be in an island that had happy people but will I get picked up by someone?
“Hey look. There’s something shiny in the sand” one said. “Maybe it’s a coin!” the other replied. “Or maybe a beautiful bottle that we need for our counter for selling drinks!” the other suggested. The men came towards me and looked at me with bulged eyes. Their eyes were big as tennis balls and were opened-mouthed. A man picked me up in his warm hand and said “The most beautiful green bottle we had ever seen in our lives”. “It’s very clean too and shiny because it was washed up in the sea!”. The men glanced at each other and suggested “Let's take the bottle, clean it up and use it for drinks”. The men nodded and the man carried me to his delightful stand. Now here I am on the stand enjoying the golden sun with the other bottles and what a day and what a life for a bottle like me.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
The Struggle
Here is a prezi I made about my inquiry about Vietnam. Because for our topic at school we are learning about social Justice about different places in the world who have rights and who are not suppose to live in bad circumstances and have the right to be happy and be free in their lives.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Beautiful Landscapes! and Elephant Rides????!!!
Here is some photos of my family in Da Lat In Vietnam. We have been travelling around Vietnam from Tay Ninh to Saigon to Dong Thap to Da Lat. I was tired but here is some more photos!!
Please ENJOY!!!!!!!
Monday, 18 September 2017
Here are some photos of strange and everyday day life things they do in Vietnam.
No Sleep but Write
I’m writing this in early dusk. I forgot to write about my day because I was weary and needed rest, but I suddenly couldn’t sleep because I could hear the steady snore from my father who sounds as if he was from Sleepy Hollow. Some hours I could hear doors creaking and echoes of footsteps on the solid floors. As I was writing, the paper was making crunching noises, worried because my mother would wake up whispering to me to go back to sleep. Suddenly, I heard someone open the door with its groaning noise like the sound of doors in a haunted mansion. I shut my torch down for a minute, sitting very still like a scarecrow under the blanket, hearing the mysterious figure close the groaning door slowly yet steadily, with the grip of its bare hands at the door handle leaving the door ajar.
As the door was left ajar, I could hear the footsteps echo then slowly fade to its distance. I suddenly realized that it was my younger sister creeping in and out trying to be like a sly cat scurrying at night but I could instantly hear her as she slowly closes the door with its creaking. She got back into bed with her blanket on waiting for me to do the same. I wanted to write some more but my mother promptly spotted me under the blanket with my torch on writing this. I turned off my torch, closed my book then closing my eyes until I was drifted to Sleepy Hollow, until the night driftly goes on. Waiting for the morning to rise...
I wrote another story about what happened at night or you could call it dusk. It was when I couldn't sleep and that I heard strange mysterious noises at the fall of night.
Monday, 11 September 2017
My Cousins!! Wait what? Yeah they are!
Here is some photos of me and my sister and our 2 cousins in Vietnam.
History and a little bit of fun
This slide is about my family a the Independence Palace and at the Vietnamese exercise Park!
Saturday, 9 September 2017
SWIMMING IN VIETNAM! and many more!!!
Here is a lot of photos about me and Sara swimming in pools and spas. There are some photos of our cousins and some about Vietnamese traffic with a lot of.. MOTORBIKES!!
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Is it Art? Or is it Messy?
Is it Art or is it Messy?
Everyone should see paintings on walls in their area. But when you look at it do you think it is art that's over taking the plain use to be wall or is it just messy which people are doing making the environment look ugly . I'm going to tell you in my own opinion what I THINK graffiti is. I know it can be messy. It can look ugly and very weird and dirty.
Furthermore I think graffiti is art that changes the world. For an example banksy. He had painted some words on the walls for the public to see about NO WARS or You’re Never Too Young To Dream Big’. There are big bold words that are telling us something. Something like a warning sign. The people who draw or paint on the walls just show that the world is not what it is. Like banksy what I told you earlier. He wrote somethings on the walls. He did the paintings he did the drawings he did them all himself if you see the picture! But it also can be messy!! There a lot of big bold words that DON'T have a meaning at all! Just scribbles!!
Lastly, they cn be messy because it can be threatning to others and it can be a nonsense because some can be vile and terrible to see and it can get a lot of people to pay money just to clean the environment.
but that is the bad the good part is the people just wanted the walls to be colourful and not plain looking. It doesn’t hurt to see colour on walls. In those colours are hidden stories telling us what it is all about. Like the music picture I told you earlier. What is hidden behind that picture? What does it mean? Why is the person doing it ? They just want to show the world what IS art. To them it must be Graffiti.
but that is the bad the good part is the people just wanted the walls to be colourful and not plain looking. It doesn’t hurt to see colour on walls. In those colours are hidden stories telling us what it is all about. Like the music picture I told you earlier. What is hidden behind that picture? What does it mean? Why is the person doing it ? They just want to show the world what IS art. To them it must be Graffiti.
In conclusion the art graffiti is bold,colourful, shows a story behind it and is like a sign (and is messy). I think I should say graffiti is art and messy because what the person drew must have a meaning to it but messy because the just want our environment to look disgusting,messy and not likable. Those people who did disgusting things on the walls on the environment just grow up because it's not right! . For I know some of them a colourful,bright and bold and messy and grimy. For it is graffiti.
Hey everyone. I was looking through your blogs and I thought maybe I should do one too. You must have learnt to write a persuasive text about graffiti. I've seen graffiti before and I wanted to write one like everybody else. Maybe do a little bit of school work.
Please read my story. I hope you will enjoy it!
At a Restaurant
My family decided to go to a restaurant to eat dinner after our uncomfortable walk in the park. The restaurant wasn’t busy at that moment when we first arrived. But there were steam coming out of the kitchen that made me follow the delicious smell of food. We settled down at an appropriate size table with six of us in each wooden chairs. My Dad,Mum, my sister, my uncle my cousin and me. I watched the assistants move around us giving us one large chunk of ice that was like a big glistening crystal, sitting in one large glass. A kind lady asked us if we wanted drinks. I was surprised that Coke and Pepsi was available. I wanted coke. All of us except Dad wanted coke. They were all served in bottles but the glass was for the coke so I undid the lid and poured the coke in the glass. It was bubbling and gurgling while I was sitting there, intrigued by the sound. A lady gave us straws. Later we had a look at the menu, and we chose a family size chicken dish. At that stage the chicken was alive, so the waiting time was thirty minutes. So in that time they had to kill the chicken and cook it. Dad did ask if it was a young one or an old one, and he was assured it was a young tender one that weighed two kilos. While we were waiting patiently we had a fried rice dish which was superb, so we had that along with our drinks we ordered earlier. The rice was tossed with different herbs and was served with a collection of different sauces and vegetables. Anyway, the chicken appeared out of nowhere. Some of it was fried and the rest of it was shredded and incorporated in a salad. We were there for about an hour and a half, around that time. Before we left, a group of 20 strange men and one woman arrived at a long table next to us. They were very rowdy and we were told they had just finished work for the day and in doing so, they ended up very happy and content. There was a lot of noise and we were told there was nothing for us to be concerned about. Suddenly, with my own eyes as I looked up in the dusky sky there over the horizon, was a very orange moon which my dad thought looked like a mandarin. It was very orange like heated fire. In New Zealand we have a white glowing moon, but in Vietnam (hear is a fact) they have an orange moon because the earth’s atmosphere is unique at this time of year in this hot country. I thought it was VERY interesting so did my Dad (mind you he thinks LOL means Lovely Old Ladies and SOS means Silly Old Sod. But that’s another story). At the time it wasn’t funny but since I’ve been writing this story and laughing about it maybe it was...
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Just Another Story
What I think Spring would be like back in NZ.
I have spent two weeks already in Vietnam. I have another three more weeks then I’ll be back in New Zealand. But my adventures will last in my memories. I would never forget about the happy,content and enjoyable times with my families. But I’ve already miss seeing spring for the first time in this year 2017. I have written a journal but I thought it was very good I wanted to share to all of you people around the world. Even though I’m far away, I can still share my learning with you and what I’ve been thinking,seeing and hearing. This is my fourth story I have written about my imagination about NZ and Vietnam. This is what I wrote:
Well what can we say. It will be spring back in New Zealand. Flowers would be blooming, and baby animals would be born and shown to nature and the creations of the world. Daffys or daffodils would grow white,orange and yellow like sunshine enjoying the cool spring breeze while the quiet wind would blow through them gently. Rain might come often and a little drizzle will rush down on the earth. Roses would start to quickly, yet steadily, grow and bloom presenting its magnificent colours with their strong and powerful,yet beautiful smell. Beautiful birds with their strong colours would fly freely in the air with their wings spread apart. With lush,fresh green grass, that’s what I think spring would be like back in NZ.
I thought it was very good. I hope you will too. Don’t be concerned, I’m getting use to the boiling weather in Vietnam. I’m looking forward to coming back to New Zealand to do my school work with everyone and showing what I’ve learnt in Vietnam. I’ll keep writing. It’s just my imagination of what I thought spring would be like in NZ. 
My picture of a daffy I grew in google drawing.
(I know. It’s big but I tried.)
Friday, 1 September 2017
A True Story
This is a True Story about my sister when she had her troubles in Vietnam (and a little bit of me too) Please enjoy and I will be writing more! comment with something positive,thoughtful, and giving me a helpful feedback.
An Experience with Ups and Downs
In this story I’m going to tell you about my younger sister Sara. She came with me, my mum and dad to Vietnam. Before we came to Vietnam my mother predicted that I will be the only child that gets very hot in the country because I’m a very warm person and she was right but, I wasn’t the only one who was REALLY hot in Vietnam. My sister Sara felt very hot when she first got out of the Ho Chi Minh airport (it’s in Vietnam). Her face was a cherry red burning on her skin and her eyes started to glow into light brown that reflected the sun. She started to get sweaty and drips of sweat started to dribble down her face. She looked as if she was melting. But I don’t blame her. We were all tired and weary and worn out after our two-airplane-travels.In one airplane I had trouble breathing because of the air turbulence. I was very dizzy and felt like I was going to be sick.The assistant on the aeroplane gave me oxygen to breath in. I was lucky and survived. My sister on the other hand was Ok at that time but when we came to my Mum’s Mother’s house in Vietnam she started to get homesick. She missed her Grandparents very much and started to weep or cry. For I know there was sorrow,sadness in her that I tried to make her feel at home. It took a long time for my sister to get better. I know she was worn out,tired and exhausted even hot from the weather, but I know she can overcome her homesick like I did in the air turbulence up on the airplane.But thank goodness she was OK the next day. I gave her a hug and I was happy that we overcome our troubles and weakness. Right now my sister is good as gold. She always goes on the ipad watching Harry Potter happily, while I’m writing this true story. But my adventures is not ending yet. I hope the whole time while we are in Vietnam Sara is OK and is always happy and is is always SMILING.
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
A Time Spent With Family
At home in Vietnam I have wanted to write my stories of how I've been. Here is another story I wrote about Vietnam. Ms Wilton I hope you will enjoy this.
Eden :)
A Time Spent with Family
When I was younger I always wanted to go to Vietnam. It was my dream…. Until now. Ten years passed my dream had came true. It was like a wish that was granted instantly. A genie in a bottle for an example (Robin Williams was playing the genie. But let’s not get into that). I spent my time wisely with my family. I have heaps of cousins over in Vietnam. One I thought was friendly and funny. He was tall around six foot. He has black hair dark like raven. His eyes were black like the dead of night. He is a friendly man and always has a good heart. He always helps around my Grandma’s place. My Grandma’s house is big. There are huge rooms. A room my family stayed in you can fit two double beds. That's how big it is.The floors were white tiles, shining like crystals, glistening from the glowing light. It’s lining were are dark dull yellowy colour but the white titles sparkled making the floor brighter. Let’s not get into how big the house is. Let’s talk about the family I spent In Vietnam. I’m still on my journey for a start. I’m learning lots of Vietnamese. But most times I had to use the translator to know what they are saying. Especially my cousins. My cousins love me and thought I was marvelous. I’ve got a cousin who never stops clenching on to me and always follows me around like a dog who thought it was it’s owner. But my cousin was funny cheeky, and cheerful. She loves to play with my scarlet fidget spinner ALL THE TIME. In Vietnam people haven’t seen a fidget spinner before. It was very new to them. Whenever my cousin sees me she smiles softly and laughs. She always look over my shoulder like a bird, knowing what I’m doing on my laptop. Sometimes she would ask if she would play games on my laptop so I let her, but I was with her, watching what she was playing. She always wanted to play It is a girl game and she loved it! Sometimes I would go on youtube and watch funny things. My cousin, well… let’s just say she was with me watching ‘Try Not To Laugh’ but she always laughed. I had great,funny, enjoyable times with my younger cousin. She likes me and adores me even though she sometimes doesn’t understand what I say to her. When she left to go home I was tired and wasted, weary and worn out. I wanted to lie down on the bed thinking about how long my time is going to last with my Vietnamese family in Vietnam. I look up in the ceiling which was a light green like green tea, thinking. I then shut my eyes and fell into a sleep which I landed in... my dreams.
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
My Own Freedom Quote
At school Me and my classmates had to make our own quotes about freedom. Because our great teacher Ms Wilton read us a book that has quotes about freedom. We had to draw our own images based on our quotes. PLEASE comment on my quote and my images. If you cant quite see please click on my image to get a closer look.
Friday, 25 August 2017
My Country Vietnam
My Destination-Vietnam
Motorbikes blared and cars honked making the streets turn into a big traffic jam. It was like dodge-ball because everyone was going everywhere in fast speed. The cars made rumbling noises on the rocky and bumpy roads while the motorbikes made the ROMROM!!! Sound. The atmosphere was very humid around 32 degrees! To me It was like 40! It must have been the humidity. I had no idea how people had gotten use to this scorching boiling weather. Of course I’m a New Zealander and I have NOT been to Vietnam before, even though I’m half Vietnamese, it was very humid for me because I’m a very warm person. My face started to bloom into a blush of pinky-red. My skin turned into a tan olive brown. All I needed was a good bottle of water!! I was that hot (and still am) from this weather that I really needed something to drink. The sun was bright and hurting my eyes. It was so bright that it was like a big ball of light, flashing at me. I was going to meet my Grandma for the second time in person. Because most of the time was on the tablet or computer. When I saw her she was crying with happy tears in her eyes. She’s a small woman but friendly and always kisses me and pulls my face. But I know in Vietnamese culture that means that a Grandma or Mother loves you when pulling faces. I had to try and understand her. Most times my Mum would translate what my Grandma would be saying. My Grandma was really surprised that I was a big girl and a lot taller than her.The last time I saw my Grandma was in Australia in Melbourne when I was around seven years when I first met her. She was a lovely woman and was filled with happiness and kindness. I saw in her bluey eyes that was like liquid water reflecting in the sun. It has been six years since I last saw my Granny. But unfortunately, my grandmother wasn’t well. But when I saw her she brightened up and I thought maybe I made a her a bit better. But she was really happy and content and was filled with love and laughter.
Hello everyone. Here is my story of when I saw my Grandma in Vietnam for the second time. I will write more about Vietnam but this is about my Grandma how she reacted when she saw me . Please comment because I'm in that country. I hope you will like the story!!!!!!!
Monday, 21 August 2017
A Misty Night
In The Mist
The rays of the white glistened moon sparkled and glowed in the streets of London. It’s powerful beam made the lamp post brighten up, taking away its dimness. Because the moonlight blaze brightens the dingy and shadowy streets, misty pitch-black sky still covers the paths of London. Fog drifted slowly, yet steadily across the bitter air for the fog surrounded the whole atmosphere making London hidden in the mist. The mist tries to hide the moon, but it’s blaze was far too strong you could see the moon through the fog. Suddenly, shadows were seen on the dark dreary streets.
They appeared in the reflection of the moon. Black like raven and the movements were quick and steady. The shadows were revealed as two Englishmen walking in the dead of night, only the moon as their guide. Their magnifying glass reflected the moon, shining in it’s own glimmer like looking through a glass mirror. Because it was a quiet night, the two investigators walked noiselessly while investigating. A man tall clean-shaven, wearing a pitch-black top hat with inky narrow eyes, looked around the streets in suspicion. This man is no other than Mr Sherlock Holmes with his friend and assistant Dr Watson. Dr Watson liked solving crimes, because solving crimes made him go on adventures with Sherlock Holmes.
At school We have to write a story that is based on the picture we drew on google drawing. I drew men in a misty night. Read and you will know more! I loved doing this because I loved writing.
Friday, 18 August 2017
Different Parts of a Circle!
W.A.L.T identify different parts of a circle. I enjoyed making this because I get to now different circles in maths. I thought it was fun and surprisingly I enjoyed it! I hope you will too. There is a quiz. You click on the answers in the quiz don't use the arrows!
Thursday, 17 August 2017
The People who are the Body of Christ
At school we have to do an activity base on RE (Religious Education) and also on reading. We had to make a slide of who is part of the Body of Christ. It was an activity I enjoyed doing. Maybe next time I should add more information in this slide. But please comment. :)
Thursday, 10 August 2017
The Ups and Downs
I had to create a slideshow about how the climate change had affected Tonga. I thought I did well maybe next time I should add more information about it. But I did my best.
Making my Own Advertisment
In my class I had to write an advertisement for a Climate Change Officer. It was hard for me because I had think of some ideas and to put them together to make one. It was also challenging because it is about Climate Change. I think I did my best in my learning about Climate Change. Please give me some helpful feedback about my work and how you thought it was like. ;).
Do You need a Job? Well Here’s one available! 
Climate Change has hit Tonga. Tonga is one of the countries in the world that has been struggling. There were a lot of rising sea levels in their country and the seas are damaging their own homes and their coconut trees. If you want to apply for this job to help the citizens of Tonga, you need to be one of the people that are helpful, compassionate and one of those who are hard-workers and who are good at building so for an example a carpenter. For this job you can choose what shifts you want to do. The morning is 7am-8pm. The evening is 6am-7pm. You will get paid $20 a week. You will have to help with water supplies e.g water tanks. You can also help with important supplies e.g food and help them get shipped into the ships so they can be sailed to Tonga so that Caritas can help with them. If you want, you can volunteer by helping with caritas. Tonga needs your help. You don’t like to see them devastated by the looks of their home and their country. They need your help to save their hometown. They are counting on you.
If you want more information about Tonga and the Climate change look into the Slideshow that is called ‘The ups and Downs’.
What would happen if the world has run out of petrol?????
In my class we had to write about what would happen if there was no petrol. I had to write some sentences of what might happen if the world does NOT have petrol. I think I did my best writing this. Because I tried my hardest.
Planning What Would Happen if the World has Run out of Petrol?
Have you ever wondered what would happen if the world has run out of petroleum? Well, if there was no petrol there wouldn't be any vehicles. There wouldn’t be cars, trucks, vans, buses, ships and trains. Because they only work when oil or petrol is in them.
Secondly, if there was NO petrol cars or any other vehicle wouldn’t be able to drive long distances. Also, you wouldn’t be able to drive to work or go on a bus or go on a holiday because of NO petrol. Furthermore, if there was no petrol trucks can’t send supplies down South of New Zealand for an example, because of no petrol. They only work if petrol is in them. Since oil is the main thing that makes thing run or work in cars, trucks, buses, aeroplanes even ships. No vehicles no petrol.
Furthermore, ships have petrol. Because they have things that make them work or run to sail on the ocean blue. If we didn’t have petrol in any ships they won’t sailing around the globe. We wouldn’t have supplies such as food, machinery even furniture and anything else that is very important. Ships sail from different countries to send things for us. If we didn’t have any ships we don’t have any petrol. Imagine a vessel sailing on water without petrol. What would they do without oil? How will we ever going to have our important things in our country? Ships need oil or to work. I’m not writing about a sailing ship like a yacht or boat. I’m writing about BIG ships you see on the ocean like a cruise. If there was no oil in those ships we wouldn’t have our important things.
Next, our clothes, food, furniture, machinery and things that we need are mostly been put in vehicles to be driven or sailed to us or to different countries. Examples, Ships sail across the ocean blue with what we need but what will happen if petrol was NOT in the ships? Trucks from the north island of nz have to come down to to the south island to bring us things but that’s when we have petrol. What will happen if there was no petrol? I. Trucks nowadays are also good for ploughing. To dig the earth in the ground. But if there was no petrol we would be ploughing with cattle or oxs like the olden days
In conclusion petrol make things work. The cars can’t go without petrol and buses and trucks. Petrol makes them start up and work. If there is no petrol, no vehicle. The world would be different without petrol.
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